3 research outputs found

    Did Egyptian Women Win or Lose by Overthrowing the Regime of Hosni Mubarak?

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    Egypt is a place with a long tradition of female participation in revolutions. After years of Mubarak鈥檚 despotism, women joined the revolution once again. As a result, they had to deal with the violation of women鈥檚 rights. When Morsi was removed, women were again at the top of political topics. The new constitution was described as the most progressive for women. Sisi has been a president for short time but he is already called the president of women. However women still face problems. They defended themselves from the Muslim Brotherhood鈥檚 rules by supporting Sisi, but did they really win by overthrowing the regime of Mubarak

    Wp艂yw Polak贸w nawr贸conych na islam na spo艂eczno艣ci lokalne w Polsce

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    Religia wsp贸艂definuje to, jak widzimy 艣wiat, samych siebie i innych ludzi. Ju偶 od najwcze艣niejszych etap贸w socjalizacji poznajemy zasady religijne, kt贸re maj膮 nam pom贸c w osi膮gni臋ciu zbawienia, ratunku i zespolenia z sacrum, a jednocze艣nie okre艣l膮 nasze powinno艣ci wzgl臋dem innych. Co dzieje si臋 ze spo艂ecze艅stwem jednolitym religijnie, kiedy pojawiaj膮 si臋 w nim osoby porzucaj膮ce wiar臋 艣ci艣le zwi膮zan膮 z kultur膮 i histori膮 narodow膮? Co je艣li jest to religia widziana jako uwik艂ana politycznie? Praca przedstawia wyniki bada艅 nad konwertytami na islam w Polsce i ich wp艂ywem na struktur臋 i system spo艂eczn

    Jihad for peace : life of shaikh Amadou Bamba

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    Artyku艂 prezentuje wybrane elementy biografii i nauk muzu艂ma艅skiego mistyka i pedagoga szajcha Amadu Bamby, za艂o偶yciela sufickiego bractwa muridijja. Opisuje stosunki mistyka z przedstawicielami administracji kolonialnej Francuskiej Afryki Zachodniej oraz propagowan膮 przez Bamb臋 koncepcj臋 "pokojowego d偶ihadu", b臋d膮c膮 mentalnym i duchowym oporem przeciwko francuskiemu imperializmowi. Bamba, nazywany muzu艂ma艅skim Mahatm膮 Gandhim, g艂osi艂 nauki, kt贸rych nast臋pstwa sta艂y si臋 jednymi z najwa偶niejszych powod贸w sukces贸w politycznych, spo艂ecznych i gospodarczych narodu senegalskiego za czas贸w jego 偶ycia, po uzyskaniu niepodleg艂o艣ci, a tak偶e w trudnych dla 艣wiata islamu czasach wsp贸艂czesnych.The article presents selected aspects of biography and teachings of Muslim Sufi mystic and pedagogue, shaikh Amadou Bamba, the founder of the prominent Mur墨diyya Brotherhood. The text describes relations between the mystic and representatives of the colonial administration of French West Africa and also Bamba's conception of non-violence jihad which was based on mental and spiritual rebellion against the French imperialism. Influences of Amadou Bamba's teachings have been clearly seen as some of the most important reasons of Senegalese successes in the fields of economy, policy and social affairs in the time of Bamba's life, after obtaining the independence, and also nowadays